Hosted By Maine Lakes & Lake Stewards of Maine
You are invited to be part of the 2025 Lakes Conference:
Lakes at the Edge
The annual lakes conference theme Lakes at the Edge can be interpreted many ways. Many of our lakes are on the edge of rapidly deteriorating health. They are at the tipping point where just a little more phosphorus in the water will tip them toward recurring algal blooms. Many are at the edge of the carrying capacity for development in their watersheds, where runoff from poorly managed roads, roofs and driveways may push their health to, or over, the edge. And of course much of lake conservation work takes place at the literal lake edge. What can we do in the shoreland zone and surrounding uplands of our lakes that keeps them healthy?
Speakers & Topics
John Maclaine, Coordinator of the Nonpoint Source Training Center, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Lake Association Panel: Sharing innovation and success
Living on the Edge: Shallow-Water Habitat Condition in Maine Lakes
Jeremy Deeds
Jen Jespersen
Cary James
Sign up for our Lake Conference Newsletter
Click here to subscribe to our Lake Conference Newsletter to find out more about next year’s conference and registration information.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Do you have a business that would benefit from connections to lake enthusiasts? Sponsoring the Lakes Conference is a great way to connect directly with over 250 conference attendees as well as more than 5,000 others who see conference advertising, read about the conference in our two organizational e-news, and follow our organizations on social media. It is also a great way to help reduce conference expenses, keeping the conference more affordable for all who would like to attend. Please email us if you have an interest in sponsoring the 2025 Lake Conference.
In Kind Donations
We will once again have an amazing assortment of silent auction items for conference attendees to bid on, including native plants, lake décor, books, art, references, and more. Please email us if you would like to donate an item to our silent auction, or know of a business that might consider a donation,
Please email us with any questions. We look forward to seeing you on June 13th!
Registration Cancellation Policy
All cancellations should be sent via e-mail. Expect confirmation within five days. If necessary to cancel by mail, please allow sufficient time for a response. Lake Stewards of Maine and Maine Lakes are not responsible for problems beyond our control such as weather conditions. No refunds will be given in these situations. The final decision on refunds rests with Lake Stewards of Maine and Maine Lakes.